I love letting my kids be creative and color, but hate the mess and cleanup. Especially when I find crayon on the walls. This is why I originally liked the idea of Aquadoodle, but I found that Wyatt would get bored after a little while with only one color to use. Now that is not a problem, with the new Aquadoodle color pads, where you can choose from red, blue, green and purple!
Here is some information about Aquadoodle from their site: Aquadoodle’s water-only, patented technology promotes creative expression through fun, artistic play. After years of scientific development, we are confident in Aquadoodle’s ability to inspire young imaginations. The water-based Aquadoodle drawing tools are non-t0xic and ink free allowing your child to play in a safe and clean environment.
Aquadoodle was nice enough to send me one of their new Doodle Buddies and an Aquadoodle Color Mat to try. Blake was immediately fascinated when I handed him the Doodle Buddy to try. He asked if he could color it and was thrilled when I answered “Yes”! He went right to work and was totally surprised when the coloring he had done started to disappear. He then asked me to right his name on his new friend and if it could sleep in his bed. I love that the Doodle Buddy has a strap to hold the coloring marker, so it doesn’t get lost. Here is a picture of him hard at work coloring his new friend.
When drawing on the Doodle Buddy, don’t use too much water of it will smear. The good news is that it smears on the animal, but not your kid. We let Blake play with this after bath and he still went to bed clean!
Also new this season for Aquadoodle, is their Color Mat. This new mat is separated into four quadrants, which are each a different color. You use the same pen and it just shows up a different color on the mat, which is super cool! Blake and I drew for hours on the mat and he never got tired of watching the color disappear and us creating more art.
The Doodle Buddy comes in three choices: bear, dog, or penguin. Both the Color Mat and Doodle Buddy are recommended for kids ages 2 and up, but I will admit that they are also really fun for adults! These products will be available for purchase soon from Spin Master. Both of these products make great Birthday presents!!
Would your kids like to try these new additions to the Aquadoodle line? Well you are in luck, because one reader will win a Color Mat and a Doodle Buddy(sponsors choice). For your chance to win, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Visit SpinMaster and tell me another of their products you would like to try.
Additional Entries: (please leave a separate entry for each)
2) Subscribe to my blog.
3) Favorite me in technorati.
4) Follow me on twitter (whatmommiesneed) and tweet about this giveaway. (unlimited)
5) Blog about this giveaway and link back here to https://whatmommiesneed.com/ (10 entries)
6) Put my button on your sidebar.
7) Become a fan of What Mommies Need on Facebook.
Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on August 28th. Prizes not claimed in 72 hours will be forfeited.
Open to US residents only.
You Must Leave a Valid E-mail Address to be eligible.
Disclosure: This review is my opinion. Thanks to Spin Master for supplying these products for review and giveaway.
i want to try the zoogles too thanks clallen a t ntin dot net
your fb fan thanks clallen a t ntin dot net
twitter follower and tweet clallen at ntin dot net http://twitter.com/#!/clallen1971/status/103176375934001152
my daughter would love the chicks-os
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I like you on fb.. Becca Peters
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liv dolls alexis and stacy my daughter wants!
i subscribe to ur blog!
I like the Zoogles.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I would also try Air Hogs!:)
Any airhog product or tec decks
My granddaughter would like the Zoogles.
My son would love to play with any of the Redakai toys/cards too. He asks about them every time we see them in the store.
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And I’m a Facebook fan. Thanks!
the glow doodle
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
liked you on fb (brittney p)
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
I would like to try the Fab Effex
The Air Hogs Fly Crane
fabeffex looks cute for girls
misaacmom at gmail dot com
fb fan
would also like to have the aqua sand ocean adventure kit
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button is on my blog http://mylittlespace4everything.blogspot.com
I would also like to try the Moon Dough Pizza Kit!
I follow you on twitter @mae_01_sw
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LOVE the Zoogles :)
GFC Follower :)
Karen Gonyea
ktgonyea at gmail.com
LIKE What Mommies need on Facebook :)
Moon Sand looks cool!!
jet set!
The 7-11 Slurpee maker looks SO COOL!
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I like the moon sand
My children would also love the Moon Dough.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I have favored your blog via Technorati as jsc123
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
I would like to try their pixos.
id like to try the air hogs
My kids would love the Moon Dough Puppy set.
My little guy’s name is Blake too! He’ll actually be 4 tomorrow (the 28th).
I liked your blog on facebook.
I think the Paperoni looks pretty cool.
jenswps at yahoo . com
I also like the Zoobles
ericka082 AT gmail DOT com
I like the moon sand-toy story set with buzz lightyear
like you on fb (jd drenchek-scavo)
My sons would like the Vectron Wave Battle by Air Hogs.