Disclosure: I am hosting this giveaway as a members of Pampers Baby Board. I received a the featured prize pack to facilitate my post. All opinions are my own.
It seems like just yesterday, not actually 8 years ago, that hubby celebrated his first Father’s Day! I have had the pleasure of watching my husband grow into a loving and fabulous father, who is always ready to play super heroes or Star Wars. Pampers knows that Dads share a special relationship with their babies and are celebrating this bond, with their Pampers 1st Father’s Day Giveaway!
I will never forget the exact moment that my husband became a father. It was a rush of excitement when the doctor said “Its a Boy!”, then my husband looking at me and saying “Can I do it?” The next statement was his name is “Wyatt Andrew”! My husband then followed Wyatt to the nursery to be cleaned and weighed. They have been inseparable since!
Pampers would like to know what was the special moment when you realized that your partner (and/or YOU )had become a father? To spark the conversation, Pampers is offering one lucky reader a prize pack (pictured below) which includes:
o Cool diaper bag for Dads
o Pampers diapers/wipes for baby
o A $100 gift card for Omaha Steaks delivery (what better way to honor dad than with premium accoutrements for a killer Dad’s day cook-out)
o Special toy for little miracle and dad to have fun with together
o A $100 gift card for MLB.com
Entering is easy, just follow the Rafflecopter rules below.
My husband was on the phone and I told him during the conversation. He got all fumbly with what he was saying and ended the conversation very quickly. I know I should have waited until he was off the phone, but I couldn’t!
When I gave hubby the pregnancy test on Father’s Day.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
that big grin…nothing else will take it’s place :)
That special moment when my hubby held our son for the first time, the expression on his face was priceless :)
I saw my husband as a dad when he changed his frist diaper.
Watching his face the first time he held his daughter was amazing. He has been a wonderful father ever since.
When we lost our first child early in my pregnancy.
I haven’t had this moment yet!
The day we found out I was pregnant. We had agreed to wait till I was 12 weeks to announce it to anyone, but pretty much the minute the second line showed up he called his parents so excited to be a daddy
When our first son was born there was a moment where my husband was laying with our newborn on the hospital bed and both my husband and son were gazing into each others eyes and I could just see in my husband’s eyes that he was changed forever…he was now a Dad. I captured it on film and it is my favorite picture!
The first time he managed to sleep an hold a baby!
when our baby girl looked staight at him and kind of smiled :) he melted :DD
I think for him it was the very first time holding her in the hospital. Though the look on his face the first time he saw her on the ultrasound was precious.
The first time I changed my oldest son’s diaper I put it on backwards. I had never changed a baby before. My husband, the oldest of 7, had to show me how. That’s when I realized he was a father.
we both cryed when we found out my wife was pregnant for the first time.. we went out to go eat and all and shop..
When he changed a diaper for the first time.
I’m still waiting for that special moment.
When I became pregnant with our first son my husband was happy enough but I could tell he really didn’t “get it.” As in the fact we were making a whole new person hadn’t really sunk in. He wasn’t into going to any of my prenatal appointments or planning. I actually went to my first ultrasound appointment alone because he was working. When he got home I showed him the ultrasound photos and for the first time ever I saw him tear up. He was at every appointment after that :) I think he needed visual proof or something but seeing those pictures was the moment he realized he was a father :)
The exact moment we looked into our newborn daughter’s eyes.
When I woke up from surgery and he was changing one of those awful black newborn poops, without a complaint.
missysweepsalot at gmail dot com
The moment I told him I was pregnant!
when i heard my son cry
I realized he was a dad when he first held our son.
When I was around 8 months pregnant, standing up, and a huge kick from my daughter. A kick so forceful you could almost see her foot. A kick so forceful I almost doubled over. I see a future soccer star in the future if she keeps this up:)
When she woke me up to show me the test.
When I had my son he had to spend a few days in the special care nursery due to swelling on his head, I had a c section so I couldn’t get to the nursery often my husband barely left the baby’s side even changing most of his diapers. THats when I knew he was a officially a dad and a great one at that!
First time when he held and feed DDs.
Coo; baby
When I gave my husband the pregnancy test and he started crying and thanking me.
He always happy dad.
We found out just days before my husband was diagnosed with cancer.. It was a bitter sweet time for us, but helped us cope with the disease better. The minute our daughter was born, my husbands smile never left his face.. Now, as a daddy to two girls, he is cancer free and enjoying every bit of their toddler stage… He is the best daddy and husband, and this fathers day was extra special for us; since his test results came back negative
Our special moment when my husband realized he was a father was the first time he held our first born daughter! I could see the love in his eyes immediately and he knew he had to do everything he could to be a great dad to her, and he has!
when he looked forward to bathing the baby
I would meet me on his lunch break at work, and I would bring him something to eat. So I put the test in a container he thought had his food and opened it up and seen the test. He was so excited, and happy. He started crying, and I knew he would be an awesome dad.We had tried for a year and a half to get pregnant.
I have not experienced parenthood.
The moment she was born! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Erin E
fairyfractal at gmail dot com
When we first heard the heart beat
My husband hasn’t experienced parenthood, but he is a father. He has two beautiful boys in heaven.
he was proud
My sister in law is preggo and I saw the moment when he told her. He got down on one knee and kissed her hand and kissed her belly. I cried like a baby! So sweet!! They’d love it if I won this for them! I know he sure would appreciate having a cool diaper bag. We got a hot pink one just to mess with him! Haha
unfortunately i am still waiting
Putting a diaper on backwards.
i am due in oct and he is already being a good father by reading books to baby in my belly. cant wait to see what he will be like once baby is here.
When our daughter smiled at her dad for the 1st time. Thats when he knew.
i realized i had become a father for the second time when my wife was being cranky with me. that is when she knew she was pregnant with out second child.
The look on his face when our daughter was born.
That moment that when my husband held my son for the first time, I realized that he would be an amazing father (and I was right, he is!).
I was 19 when my first child was born but it was the best feeling in the world and I must say the scariest at the same time because we were responsible for another person..
When he got up in the middle of the night to soothe the baby