Disclosure: I am hosting this giveaway as a members of Pampers Baby Board. I received a the featured prize pack to facilitate my post. All opinions are my own.
It seems like just yesterday, not actually 8 years ago, that hubby celebrated his first Father’s Day! I have had the pleasure of watching my husband grow into a loving and fabulous father, who is always ready to play super heroes or Star Wars. Pampers knows that Dads share a special relationship with their babies and are celebrating this bond, with their Pampers 1st Father’s Day Giveaway!
I will never forget the exact moment that my husband became a father. It was a rush of excitement when the doctor said “Its a Boy!”, then my husband looking at me and saying “Can I do it?” The next statement was his name is “Wyatt Andrew”! My husband then followed Wyatt to the nursery to be cleaned and weighed. They have been inseparable since!
Pampers would like to know what was the special moment when you realized that your partner (and/or YOU )had become a father? To spark the conversation, Pampers is offering one lucky reader a prize pack (pictured below) which includes:
o Cool diaper bag for Dads
o Pampers diapers/wipes for baby
o A $100 gift card for Omaha Steaks delivery (what better way to honor dad than with premium accoutrements for a killer Dad’s day cook-out)
o Special toy for little miracle and dad to have fun with together
o A $100 gift card for MLB.com
Entering is easy, just follow the Rafflecopter rules below.
When I came home from work and he had the day off with our new baby and he couldn’t wait to show me all the photos of her he had taken that day.
When I had my first 5 weeks early and he went with her to the other hospital to go into the NICU unit.
When he gave our son a nickname.
The day we came home from the hospital with our daughter!
when our son went pee pee on him he was so shocked
We my son was born he had a medical condition and had to be whisked away. When they were finally able to bring him back into the room with and hand him to my husband it was then that I realized we were really parents
When he first saw my son and held him.
The first time he saw the baby.
Two days after she was born when he held her.
I think the first time my daughter grasped her daddy’s finger was that “I’m a Dad” moment
I am not a father yet, but my best friend just became one.
no kids yet but seeing the boy with my nephew showed me he is ready.
when I saw my husband hold our child
Not blessed with children, but seeing each of the males loving, hugging, and holding their children makes them the best dads ever. I’ve got 18 nieces and nephews, so I’ve seen a lot of that!
I knew by the look in his eyes when he held our daughter for the first time in the hospital.
I realized my husband was a dad when he walked our crying baby around the house in her stroller in the middle of the night
From the moment I told him he was he did such a good job being there for me making sure the baby and I were healthy even working late or going in early so he could make as many as possible doctors appointments
When he touched my belly and spoke to our baby
I knew my husband was a father the first time he changed a poopie diaper without gagging.
I’m a single parent so I didn’t see my son’s father beam at the sight of him. My sister’s husband though was so involved with my niece who was born at 1 lb 5 oz. He took care of her oxygen, feeding tube just as if it was something all new father’s did.
when he changed a poopy diaper
When he did his first night time feeding
when he held our baby for the first time.
No children here, so that hasn’t happened yet.
when I saw my husband hold our child
his first diaper change
when i saw my fiance hold our son for the first time and the way he speaks and plays with him
The moment I gave my husband a soccer ball and on it said ” it’s a boy!”. He was so excited to find out we were having a son.
My SIL was there for the birth of his 2nd child whom they thought might not survive due to health issues of my daughter he cried with joy!
When we found out we were having a girl
I’m still waiting for that special moment.
When I was laying in bed and he was rubbing & kissing my belly.
no children yet, but i imagine he’ll hear the news in a private but special moment.
When I found out I was having a little girl and saw her moving on the screen it became real for me!
No children of my own yet so we haven’t had a moment like that but i’m entering to win for my sisters baby :)
When he told his parents!
When our first daughter was born, my husband was in the military overseas. He did not know he was a father for a couple of days. He did not get to see her in person until she was six months old. It made it very bittersweet for him.
My husband got to be the first one to feed our son who was in NICU.
at the hospital when i was induced
When I saw my husband holding our son for the first time & kissing him and not being able to take his eyes off of him.
My now ex-husband, when he saw the sonogram of our son he cried and again at his birth. He is a wonderful dad
Thanks for the giveaway…When I first saw my newborn daughters’ beautiful eyes I melted !
After two years trying, I went to the doctor because I was sick. I found out we were going to be parents.
I am not becoming a parent, but my brother is going to be a father this September. I was very excited when I found out I was going to be an aunt and he was finally going to be a father. I discovered he was going to be a father when he invited our mom over his place for dinner and gave her a bracelet. It took her a moment to realize it had charms with a baby carriage and the words grandmother on it. I would love to win this for my brother and nephew because they could use all the help starting their family.
The look on his face the first time he held him.
When my husband cut the cored
The moment I held him & he grasped onto my finger..our eyes met & I became a Mother.
Hmmm…I suppose when he watched our first child actually being born and “slip” (not really slipping on the first one LOL) into the doctor’s hands.
When my husband pulled out our daughter, literally. Her head came out and they let him do the rest!
Pampers brand our favorite , my husband ready for his first son!!!