Ever feel like you could use some expert advice in the beauty department? I know I feel like this on a daily basis. I would love to know how to get my hair wavy or keep my lashes moisturized. Well, if you would like a few pointers also, check out that box to the right. Yes, that one right there!
That little box will be offering you beauty tips all month long for your face, hair, and body. These tips will tell you the best way to acheive beauty with products from Dove, Vaseline, Pond’s, and Q-tips. My favorite tip so far has been that I can moisturize my eyelashes by using Vaseline, which I now do nightly.
Would you like an assortment of products from Dove, Vaseline, Pond’s and Q-tips to try these tips out? I have a box of these goodies to offer to one lucky reader. For your chance, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Check out the Beauty Tips and tell me which one you want to try.
2) Subscribe to my blog.
3) Favorite me in technorati.
4) Follow me on twitter (whatmommiesneed) and tweet about this giveaway.
5) Blog about this giveaway and link back here to https://whatmommiesneed.com/
6) Put my button on your sidebar.
You Must Leave a Valid E-mail Address to be eligible.
I think the Vaseline on eyelashes trick sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway!
I like the tip about changing your part to get a new look and make your hair look fuller.
I love the idea of exfoliating your lips and then applying Vaseline!
I liked the tips for high shine hair, I’m going to try them out next time I’m blow drying!
The vaseline on the eyelashes tip sounds good!
I like the one about putting Pond’s towellettes in the fridge. You can use them at the end of the day to refresh your face. Thank you!
love the giveaway
Until now, I had never given much thought about the idea of exfoliating my lips and then applying Vaseline, but it sounds like a great idea that I’m going to try! :)
I never though about putting pond’s towelltes in the fridge, I will have to give it a try.
I put lip balm on my lips before I go to bed to keep my lips soft.
I like the idea of exfoliating your lips with a toothbrush and then appy vaselint to them.
I like the chilled tea bags for tired, puffy eyes tip
Keep an emergency kit of essentials in your glovebox for when you can’t get home to do a full job between events.
tech fave dddiva
Follow & Tweet http://twitter.com/dddiva/status/5426144607
I like the using Vaseline on your eyelashes. Thanks
Love the tip about exfoliating your lips. Love the giveaway!
I like the using Vaseline on your eyelashes, thanks for the chance!
The Pond’s towellettes in the fridge sounds really good! Thanks for the contest!
I like the tip about changing your part to get a new look and make your hair look fuller. What a great idea.
I hadn’t thought of exfoliating my lips and then putting vaseline on them!
I had no idea you should exfoliate your lips!! I just might have to try that.
I am going to try the vaseline on my lips!
I really liked the tip on maintaining shimmering skin post summer. Not only would the Q-tips keep bacteria off my skin but I’d also maintain that summer glow that I now feel like I lose mid September. Thanks for the give away & the tips!
I like the tip of exfoliating your lips with a toothbrush and then applying Vaseline.
This is an inexpensive and great tip “chilled tea bags for tired, puffy eyes tip”
I follow you on Twitter and I tweeted this giveaway. http://twitter.com/MissJo1990/favorites
I like the tip about exfoliating my lips and then applying Vaseline!
email subscriber
follow on twitter and tweeted
I’d like to try the chilled tea bags for my tired, puffy eyes
already have your button
I like the tip about putting vaseline on your eyelashes.. going to try it out!
I follow you on Twitter.
I want to try this tip – “Blemishes are bound to happen. To help quickly heal and hide them, use a Q-tips cottons swab. Moisten one end of your Q-tips cotton swab with an alcohol-free stringent and lightly dab on to the blemish. use the other end of your Q-tips cotton swab as a makeup applicator to apply an oil-free concealer to keep the blemish under wraps!”
I subscribe via Google Reader.
Your button is on my sidebar.
I like the tip about putting Pond’s towelletes in the fridge!
tweeted http://twitter.com/ThriftyJinxy/status/5440239941
Use chilled tea bags for tired, puffy eyes. I used chilled tea bags on my gums after a tooth was pulled.
metu18 At Hotmail DOT com
I’m going to try exfoliating my lips with the toothbrush and then applying Vaseline.
Vaseline on the eyelashes tip is great!
exfoliating your lips and then applying Vaseline
Faved you on technorati.(donnak4)