Let’s face it, most kids love legos, but parents dread finding the little pieces all over their houses. Not to mention that nothing shoots pain straight through your foot, like stepping on a tiny lego when you are bare footed. I always seem to step on one when I am checking on Wyatt at night and have to stay quiet. If you have ever stepped on legos or are just tired of seeing them all over your house, the check out Box4Blox.
Here is some information about Box4Blox from their site: Peter & Moira Botherway are the parents of four children, so like most families they have plenty of LEGOS and know all about the hassles of trying to keep Lego tidy in the home. The BOX4BLOX evolved from one of those classic “light bulb” moments, after Moira had spent nearly an hour sorting the kids’ Lego into a selection of plastic containers, only for our youngest to return home from pre-school and tip them all over the floor.
Box4Blox was nice enough to send me over one of the products for review. I was stoked to get this in so that we could organize all of Wyatt’s Legos in one container. What surprised me was how excited Wyatt was to organize his Legos. He quickly helped me wrangle all his stray blocks and put them into the “box”. He was even more thrilled when he saw that it also organized is blocks by size, which does keep him from dumping his entire collection of blocks! Here is a video of Wyatt showing you how the Box4Blox works:
Overall, I think the Box4Blox is a great product! Wyatt has been much better about picking up his Legos after playing. The only thing I would change is that I would like to see the top snap on instead of just sitting there. It does fit in, but can slide off if knocked. The Box is definitely a better option when compared to the ziplocs and cardboard boxed we were using before.
The Box4Blox retails for $39.95 and can be purchased from amazon.com. If you are tired of your house looking like the Lego Factory has exploded in it, then this product is for you!
Do you have an abudance of legos to sort at your house? Box4Blox is offering on lucky reader a chance to win their very own Box. For your chance to win, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Visit Box4Blox and tell me your favorite feature of this product.
Additional Entries: (please leave a separate entry for each)
2) Subscribe to my blog.
3) Favorite me in technorati.
4) Follow me on twitter (whatmommiesneed) and tweet about this giveaway. (unlimited)
5) Blog about this giveaway and link back here to https://whatmommiesneed.com/ (10 entries)
6) Put my button on your sidebar.
Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on August 26th. Prizes not claimed in 72 hours will be forfeited.
Open to US residents only.
You Must Leave a Valid E-mail Address to be eligible.
Blogged about it. http://tiffspixiedust.blogspot.com/2010/08/08-26-box4blox-hurry-and-enter-because.html ….Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) 9
Blogged about it. http://tiffspixiedust.blogspot.com/2010/08/08-26-box4blox-hurry-and-enter-because.html ….Tiffypoot @ (aol.com) 10
I love that all of the Legos in my house can all be stored together AND that they’ll easily be sorted into size. Some of those little tiny pieces are a bugger to find amongst the box that we are using now, so the whole box ends up being dumped on the floor, which means that without a doubt some will get missed in the pick-up process ending up either in my foot or in the vacuum!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this!!! We just reorganized my son’s closet yesterday and have just the spot for this!! :)
I love that the boxes stack together and the ease of not having to sort through to find the little pieces yourself.
I love that each one BOX4BLOX holds approximately 1500 – 1700 Lego bricks.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
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lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I’m following you on Twitter user lisalmg and Tweeted this giveaway. http://twitter.com/lisalmg/status/22190482289
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
My favorite feature is that it shifts the pieces so you don’t have to dig thru a ton of legos to find the little pieces.
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I favorite you on technorati as degood
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My favorite feature is how many legos it holds! 1500-1700? Awesome! :-)
kendylann3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I love the sorting feature – makes it easier to find the pieces you are looking for.
i like how the boxes stack together
I like that it’s made in the USA
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skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
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i love that it automatically with a shake sorts legos by size that is so cool :)
my favorite feature is that this is the perfect place to store the legos so that i never have to step on them again.
I like that it organizes the legos by size!!
email subscriber
follow on twitter as kngmckellar and tweet
I love that the BOX4BLOX holds approximately 1500 – 1700 Lego bricks…that’s a lot!
I’m a Bloglines feed subscriber
I like that it can hold over 1000 blocks.
I love it sorts by size making things easier to find and it holds so so many legos amazing
I subscribe to your blog
I follow on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/mrstinareynolds/status/22229329843
It looks really easy to use and will definitely help keep our house cleaner! I love how it sorts!
I love that it’s colorful and easy to use, it makes cleanup fun!
I subscribe via feed.
I love that each one BOX4BLOX holds approximately 1500 – 1700 Lego bricks.
have ur button
Like it, very organized.
I love that the pieces fall into places according to size.