With all the hype of Iron Man the last couple of years, Wyatt is now convinced that he is the coolest super hero. But, the movies are not age appropriate for him so we had to find another way for him to get his fill of Iron Man. We found the perfect solution when we saw Iron Man: Armored Adventures on Nicktoons, and with the recent release of Iron Man: Armored Adventures The First Season on DVD, Wyatt is getting his fill.
Here is what the show is all about: As the heir to the billion-dollar corporation Stark International, Tony Stark lived a life of luxury, but everything went horribly wrong when a tragic accident robbed Tony of his father and nearly cost him his own life. Eager to honor the memory of his father, Tony now uses his suit of invincible armor and technical know-how to protect those who would also fall prey to tragedy, corruption and conspiracy! Inside his remarkable invention, Tony Stark is geared for high-speed flight, high-tech battles and high-octane adventure! He is a new hero for the digital age, a mechanized knight in ever-evolving, adaptable armor. He is…IRON MAN!
Iron Man: Armored Adventures The First Season contains all 26 episodes from season one. Here is a list of the episodes and their synopsis:
–Episodes 1 & 2 – “Iron Forged in Fire, Parts 1 & 2” – The origin story which goes into the murder of Tony’s father, Obadiah Stane’s usurping of Stark International, and the genesis of Iron Man.
– Episode 3 – “Secrets and Lies” – When the Maggia abducts Gene Khan, the step-son of a Chinese importer, Tony and Pepper also get taken.
– Episode 4 – “Cold War” – Iron Man partners up with Blizzard to take down common foe Obadiah Stane. But it doesn’t take Tony too long to realize that Blizzard is seriously wackadoo.
– Episode 5 – “Whiplash” – Investigating the assault on her hospitalized FBI dad, Pepper bites off more than she can chew and runs into the deadly Whiplash.
– Episode 6 – “Iron Man Vs. the Crimson Dynamo” – Two years ago, the Russian cosmonaut codenamed the Crimson Dynamo was abandoned while out on a space mission. Today, he’s back on Earth, and he’s miffed, brother, miffed!
– Episode 7 – “Meltdown” – Tony quits school and decides to expend his energies being Iron Man, 24/7. He runs into the Living Laser.
– Episode 8 – “Field Trip” – Tony skulks into Stark International in an untested prototype armor that then malfunctions, forcing Tony to abandon it. He then must sneak back into the facility to retrieve the faulty suit before Stane finds it. But how to do that? Answer: school field trip? I dig the heist element in which Pepper’s plan totally falls apart, forcing the kids to desperately improvise. First appearance of Whitney Stane, by the way.
– Episode 9 – “Ancient History 101” – In the quest for the ancient Makhuan Rings, Team Iron Man (and Gene) must pass the test of wisdom. But the stone Dreadknight statues which guard one of the Makhuan Rings come to life and they do not grade on a curve.
– Episode 10 – “Ready, A.I.M., Fire” – At a school science fair Tony is bamboozled into working for A.I.M. and into developing a mind-to-machine interface technology. What he does is create a new supervillain.
– Episode 11 – “Masquerade” – Iron Man is framed for crimes being committed by the illusion-casting Madame Masque, but her true motives aren’t what Tony expects.
– Episode 12 – “Seeing Red” – The Crimson Dynamo returns as Stane and Project Pegasus team up to capture Iron Man, whose power levels are down to 3%. It’s Rhodey and Pepper to the rescue. Tony also creates the virus Technovore which then gains sentience.
– Episode 13 – “Hide and Seek” – When Tony and Gene Khan unearth the third Makluan Ring in a temple in Greenland, Tony undergoes the cryptic Test of Courage, going up against both the Mandarin and the third Ring’s unstoppable guardian, Ultimo. Meanwhile, Rhodey is super-ticked off that he and Pepper were left out of the loop again.
– Episode 14 – “Man and Iron Man” – Mister Fix, still up to nefarious tricks. His superpowered henchman, an upgraded Whiplash, introduces a virus in Tony’s armor which begins to eff it up from the inside out. The corrupted and suddenly self-aware Iron Man programming soon regards Rhodey and Pepper as threats.
– Episode 15 – “Panther’s Prey” – In pursuit of an international criminal Iron Man runs afoul of the elegant but prickly Black Panther who desires neither team-up nor even some moments to share anecdotes. The monarch of Wakanda has set his eyes on Iron Man’s prey and young Shellhead had better step back. Now that’s just rude.
– Episode 16 – “Fun with Lasers” – The Living Laser holds the world hostage with a destructive space weapon and all dude wants is a rematch with Iron Man. Also, General Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. throws in his two cents. Check out Tony’s cool black & gold space armor.
– Episode 17 – “Chasing Ghosts” – The Ghost, all vanishy and untouchable, goes hunting for Tony Stark and instantly becomes one of Iron Man’s toughest foes. I smiled a lot at the way this problem was resolved.
– Episode 18 – “Pepper, Interrupted” – The turf war episode. With the Mandarin so focused on obtaining the Makluan Rings, Maggia is threatening to expand into the Tong’s territory. Pepper and Gene are assigned to work on a report and this, wouldn’t you just know it, soon places Pepper in danger. Can Gene rescue her without revealing his secret identity? What’s up with the hi-tech Black Knight? Plus, detention for everyone.
– Episode 19 – “Technovore” – Tony is tapped to fix the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier’s failing engines, and Pepper is all kinds of ecstatic to be onboard the helicarrier. Meanwhile, Tony’s computer virus creation, called the Technovore – that was supposed to self-destruct a while ago after it took care of Project Pegasus – resurfaces and it exists to consume technology. It’s up to Rhodey to save the day.
– Episode 20 – “World on Fire” – Tony, Rhodey, and Pepper locate the fourth Makluan Ring inside a not that dormant volcano, but the Firebrand guardian initiates the Test of Temperance by possessing Rhodey and forcing him to battle Iron Man. Elsewhere, Gene seethes at being left out.
– Episode 21 – “Designed Only For Chaos” – A dying Living Laser is abducted from the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier by A.I.M. and used as a power source for the Mental Organism Designed Only for Conquest (M.O.D.O.C.). Iron Man finds himself defenseless against MODOC’s mental assault.
– Episode 22- “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” – Happy Hogan finds the Iron Man armor and dons the thing and then stumbles onto a sinister Maggia plot that threatens the city. To save the day, Tony pretends to be the armor’s robot voice and tries to talk Happy into effectively using the armor, all the while trying to keep Happy in the dark about his secret identity.
– Episode 23 – “Uncontrollable” – The Controller! Rick Jones! The Hulk! Iron Man! Oh it’s on and poppin’!
– Episode 24 – “Best Served Cold” – Wearing the experimental face of Madame Masque results in Whitney falling gravely ill. Tony, asked to help by Obadiah Stane, armors up for a flight to the Arctic for a possible cure. But Blizzard awaits, and he’s still pretty unstable. Check out Iron Man’s arctic armor.
– Episode 25 – “Tales of Suspense: Part One” – Gene’s stepfather, Zheng, having regained control of the Tong, abducts Gene, Tony, and Pepper and forces Tony to disclose the location of the fifth Ring. There, Tony and Gene are sent to retrieve the ring and must face the fifth guardian of the Rings, the malevolent ancient Chinese dragon Fin Fang Foom. To save his friends, Rhodey does what we’ve been waiting for all season: he suits up in the War Machine armor.
– Episode 26 – “Tales of Suspense: Part Two” – This is it! An all-out melee with Iron Man and War Machine versus Zheng and the Mandarin!
Vivendi Entertainment was nice enough to send my family a copy of Iron Man: Armored Adventures The First Season for review. Wyatt was thrilled to find all his favorite episodes were there in one box. He promptly asked to start watching disc three and sat down waiting for us to start the show, not so patiently I might add.LOL Hubby and him spent about a week getting through the whole season and then Wyatt asked if they could watch it again. This show is a huge favorite in our house. Even Blake now asks for Iron Man.LOL
Iron Man: Armored Adventures The First Season is a 4-disc DVD set that has a running time of 572 minutes. This DVD set is available for purchase now from Amazon.com and retails for $29.93.
Do you have an Iron Man fan in your house? Vivendi Entertainment is offering THREE lucky readers Iron Man: Armored Adventures The First Season on DVD. For your chance to win, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Tell me who is your favorite Iron Man character.
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3) Favorite me in technorati.
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I don’t have a favorite, but my grandson would be thrilled to have this
I like Pepper Potts best.
My sons like Iron Man himself the best.
Mine would be Fin Fang Foom
I know my grandson’s favorite episode is the one with the Hulk so I guess the Hulk is his favorite character.
favorite is Planet Hulk
iron man
Pepper is my favorite!
I like Rhodey because he is calm when Tony is hot headed.
I would say Iron Man or Tony Stark.
Mine would have to be War Machine.
I like Planet Hulk .
I asked the kids, and they said Iron Man. Thanks!
Tony Stark
please sign me up
We like Fin Fang Foom!
My grandson loves Ironman and would love this video collection.
My favorite is Pepper.
I like Pepper Potts.
Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
Tony Stark is my favorite Iron Man character. Who wouldn’t want to be a brilliant and charismatic billionaire inventor? Thank you for the fun give-away.
war machine was my fave
Tony Stark. He is smart and my kids love seeing him get into the suit.
I like Pepper :)
My favorite is Tony Stark, thanks!
My son LOVES Iron Man/Tony Stark. He says he’s the coolest
Tony Stark is my favorite!
iron man is our fav or course
It has to be Ironman
Tony Stark as Iron Man!
Planet Hulk!
Spymaster for me
following you on twitter at rosidentevil
Tony Stark!
I like Pepper!
I’m subscribed to your RSS feed in my Google Reader.
Have a nephew who likes Iron Man, gosh I just thought it was one guy.
Pepper is my fav. Thanks for the contest!
Iron man himself
jdmimi at gmail dot com
I like Pepper, but my son says Iron Man, of course!
My favorite is Iron Man.
Email subscriber.
Mine would have to be Iron Man.
Tony Stark is my favorite Iron Man character
It has got to be iron man!
I like Pepper Potts best.
My son’s favorite is Iron Man :)
Tony Stark of course!
tony stark!