When Blake is watching TV, it always seems to end up on Nick Jr., which is home to his favorites Diego, Dora and Blue. He sings along with all their songs and loves having adventures with them. This is why I think that the Nickelodeon Favorites DVDs are awesome, because they contain one episode from few of their most popular shows. If you have never seen a Nickelodeon Favorites DVD, then be on the lookout for their upcoming release Nick Jr Favorites: Sisters & Brothers.
Here are the episodes that are included on the Nick Jr Favorites: Sisters & Brothers DVD:
Dora the Explorer – Big Sister Dora – Dora has some really exciting news: someone new is joining Dora’s family! Someone who sleeps in a cradle, drinks from a bottle, wears diapers, and likes to be rocked to sleep. Dora’s Mami is having a baby! Maybe it’s a boy…or maybe it’s a girl. Dora and Boots have to get home quickly to find out!
Go, Diego, Go! – To Babysit a Bobo- The Bobos’s are on their way to the Spider Monkey Fiesta with their 3 new Baby Bobo Sisters. And as the Bobos search for fruit for the party, the restless Bobo Sisters speed off into the forest to look for fruit without them!
Blue’s Clues – The Baby’s Here!- While waiting for Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper to call from the hospital with news of the new baby here, Paprika prepares to be a big sister. Looking at baby books gives everyone a chance to learn about what they were like when they were really little.
Wonder Pets! – KalamaZoo! / Back to KalamaZoo!- Ming-Ming visits her Aunt Eleanora at the local petting zoo during a school holiday. Eleanora asks Ming-Ming to take care of her toddler cousin, Marvin, for the afternoon. Ming-Ming thinks this will be a “piece-of-cake” but Marvin proves to be quite a spirited little Duck. Ming-Ming must learn to look beyond her own needs and find the patience and compassion to take care of Marvin.
Ni Hao, Kai-lan – Hoho’s Big Flight- On the day of the big lantern festival to celebrate the end of Chinese New Year, Grampa gives Kai-lan some lanterns for her and her friends to decorate. But when Hoho’s lantern flies away, he jumps on it, and everyone goes on a big chase to get him down!
Nickelodeon was nice enough to send my family a copy of Nick Jr Favorites: Sisters & Brothers on DVD to review. I don’t think Blake could pick a favorite episode, but I would say that Diego and Blue were tied with Dora coming in a close second. This DVD is perfect for the car, because he isn’t stuck watching the different episodes of the same show and gets to see more than one of his favorites.
Nick Jr Favorites: Sisters & Brothers has a running time on 122 minutes and will be available for purchase from amazon.com on February 8, 2011. This DVD will retail for $16.99 and would make a great Valentine gift for your toddler.
Do you have a Nick Jr. fan in your house? Nickelodeon is offering THREE lucky readers a chance to win Nick Jr Favorites: Sisters & Brothers on DVD. For your chance to win, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Tell me who is your child’s favorite Nick, Jr. character.
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Contest ends at 11:59pm CST on February 17th. Prizes not claimed in 72 hours will be forfeited.
Open to US residents only.
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Dora is.
Dora the Explorer.
kport207 at gmail dot com
dora the explorer is very popular in this family
[email protected]
We love Franklin the turtle!!
My three kids love Kai-Lan the most.
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My youngest is in LOVE with Kai-lan! He has a Kai-lan ride on toy and a Kai-lan doll that lights up and talks/sings. We watch the show everyday and he trys to sing the theme….which is really cute because he’s only 21 months :)
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Rebecca Niehaus
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My lil’ guys favorite Nick Jr. character is Diego.
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We love Dora!
My favorite Nick Jr. character is Blue from Blues Clues (although I still prefer Steve over Joe!) My son, on the other hand, he’d probably go with Diego or Swiper.
Subscribing via google reader. Your blog is beautiful, by the way! I love the header!
my niece loves Dora
My sons favorite Nickelodeon character is Diego.
I am a subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
I have favored your blog via Technorati as jsc123.
I have requested to become a friend via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
Blue is my kid’s favorite character.
My son loves Blue from Blue’s Clues.
Kai-Ian is one of our top favorites.
we love dora
Dora all the way!
Twitter follower – parkerozgood
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parker OZgood
My niece enjoys Dora!
My daughter loves Kai Lan.
My son loves Muno from Yo Gabba Gabba.
I follow Nickelodeon Dvd on Twitter- ksh123
My son loves Diego! :D
Sent request to friend on FB – Gabrielle P
My daughter loves Dora the Explorer.
I Follow NickelodeonDVD on Twitter @atydec
I sent you a request to become your friend/fan on Facebook – edita ava
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My friend’s granddaughter Khloe likes Dora
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My son loves Diego, my daughter is a big blue fan thanks for the chance [email protected]
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