If you have ever lost sight of your child, even for just a few minutes, you know how scary it can be. That sick feeling of “what if” starts to creep in really quick. This happened to me last year, when Wyatt wandered off at the aquarium. We were frantic looking for him, and could only hope he remembered all that we had taught him.
When I decided to attend Disney’s Social Media Moms Event this year, I knew that my husband would be braving the parks alone with the boys. I quickly searched for ways to help him keep track of them and remember learning about SafetyTat at BlogHer last year.
SafetyTats were designed by a mom with the intention of helping parents feel safer when they are out in busy areas with their kids. They use medical-grade, hypoallergenic, latex-free adhesive on all products and have a designated area in which to write your phone number.
SafetyTat was nice enough to send me a pack of Quick Stick Write-Ons to review. Thanks to them, I was able to attend the conference events knowing that Wyatt prepared if he got separated from dad. He was happy to wear his tattoo, and even thought it was cool. The SafetyTat was easy to apply and he removed it by himself, when it was no longer needed. His tattoo stayed on for a few days with no issues.
SafetyTat offers a variety of product choices including: Travel, Emergency, and Allergy Alert. All packs come with a special Tattoo Marking Pen and they need no water to apply. These products are reasonably priced and can be purchased from SafetyTat.com.
If you are looking for a way to keep your kids safer, then be sure to check out all the products available from SafetyTat.
To help you stock up for those summer vacations, SafetyTat is offering readers a coupon code good for 10% off any order of $15 or more. To take advantage of this just use the code: WhatMommiesNeed whaen checking out.
It must be typed as seen, case sensitive.
Would you like to give this product a try? SafetyTat is offering TWO lucky readers a chance to win a sample pack of their Quick Stick Write-On!, in winner’s choice of Boy, Girl, or Multi design. For your chance to win, just follow the rules below.
How to Enter:
1) Visit SafetyTat and tell me which of their designs is your favorite.
Additional Entries: (please leave a separate entry for each)
2) Subscribe to my blog.
3) Favorite me in technorati.
4) Follow me on twitter (whatmommiesneed) and tweet about this giveaway.
5) Blog about this giveaway and link back here to https://whatmommiesneed.com/
6) Put my button on your sidebar.
You Must Leave a Valid E-mail Address to be eligible.
I like the DINO tats. We lost my grandson at the zoo once for 10 horrible minutes – now my daughter writes her number on his arm!
I’m a twitter follower. http://twitter.com/slmiresse/status/10927848205
I love the DINO tats. This is strange because I thought I already said this but it didn’t appear to ‘take’. Sorry if this is a duplicate entry.