Disclosure: 20th Century Fox provided a prize pack to facilitate this review. All opinions stated are my own.
My older son is counting down to the upcoming release of Night at the Museum: Secret of the the Tomb, and I have promised to take him see it, since I am excited too! Check out the trailer below, and you will see why!
Full of naughty monkeys, charging dinos, and more, this film is sure to thrill all ages!
In this film, get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever. Starring: Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Dick Van Dyke, Dan Stevens, Ricky Gervais, Ben Kingsley, Rebel Wilson, Mickey Rooney, and Rami Malek.
You can enjoy FREE games and activities on NightAtTheMuseumMovie.com! Help Larry collect artifacts scattered throughout the museum in KNIGHT FLIGHT or try your hand at THE HALL OF MIX-UPS where you can select different features at the museum and make them your own!
Larry is my favorite.
I love Teddy Roosevelt and also the character who goes ‘me no dum dum you dum dum me want gum gum’
Love Teddy Roosevelt
I love anything Ricky Gervais does, so my favorite character would have to be his, Dr. McPhee.
My favorite character is Teddy Roosevelt, I miss Robin Williams!
The monkey, I forget what his name is but I love him.
I love Teddy Roosevelt.
I love Teddy Roosevelt.
Larry is my favorite character from Night at the Museum.
I like the Theodore Roosevelt character Robin Williams plays.
I love Owen Wilson’s character because I have a total soft spot for him in all movies!
My favorite character is Teddy Roosevelt.
My favorite is Larry.
My favorite is Larry
Larry is my fav.
My favorite is Larry!
I think I’m going to love Robin Williams as Teddy Roosevelt.
My favorite character was Pocahontas.
MY favorite is Theodore Roosevelt played by Robin Williams.
thank you
We love Teddy.
dr. mcphee
i like Teddy Roosevelt!
Larry Daley is my favorite character!
Larry Daley played by Ben Stiller is my favorite character!
Teddy Roosevelt
Teddy Roosevelt is my fave character!
Teddy Roosevelt
Jedidiah is my favorite!
My favorite character from Night at the Museum is Dr. McPhee (Ricky Gervais)
I like larry.
My son has always liked Teddy Roosevelt best.
I like Rex.
Larry is my favorite.
I like Jedidiah!! Love these movies.
I love Theodore Roosevelt!
Teddy Roosevelt
My Favorite Character Is Teddy Roosevelt
I like sacajawea character.
I love Larry – that Ben Stiller is a comedic genius!
I think my favorite would be Teddy Roosevelt!!
its by far teddy Roosevelt. i will enjoy seeing him in this movie
I have never seen night at the museum so I don’t have a favorite. My favorite actor out of the movie though would have to be Robin Williams :(.
My favorite character is Larry
teddy roosevelt is my fav
Tilly is my favorite.
Teddy Roosevelt is my favorite
I guess it would be Teddy Roosevelt. thank you!!
Teddy Roosevelt. I love Robin!