Were you a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon? Did you know that they have a show that not only follows the same mythology, but is also from the same creators? The Legend of Korra follows a 17-year old headstrong and rebellious girl who challenges tradition in her quest to become an Avatar. Nickelodeon sent me a copy of their first DVD release of this series, The Legend of Korra – Book One: Air to review.
The Legend of Korra- Book One: Air DVD includes all the episodes from season one. Here is a list of those episodes, including a short synopsis:
Welcome to Republic City– Seventy years after the end of the original series, the Order of the White Lotus discovers the new Avatar, Korra, in the Southern Water Tribe. By the age of 17, Korra has mastered all the elements except air. Master Tenzin, Katara’s and Aang’s son, and the only airbending master, wants to postpone Korra’s airbending training in order to take care of matters in Republic City, but Korra convinces him to train her.
A Leaf in the Wind- Frustrated with her inability to bend air, Korra visits Republic City’s pro-bending arena against Tenzin’s wishes. There, she meets Bolin and Mako, two brothers on the “Fire Ferrets” pro-bending team, and becomes their teammate. Korra initially suffers due to her inexperience, but wins the match using air-bending movements. Tenzin, impressed, allows Korra to stay on the team.
The Revelation– Trying to collect money for their pro-bending fees, Bolin is recruited by the Triple Threat Triads, but they are all abducted by the Equalists. At an Equalist rally, Amon demonstrates his ability to permanently remove the bending powers of the captive gangsters, but Mako and Korra rescue Bolin before Amon can do the same to him.
The Voice in the Night– Republic City Councilman Tarrlok creates a task force to capture Amon, and eventually recruits the reluctant Korra. Mako gains a sweetheart in Asami Sato, the daughter of industrialist Hiroshi Sato, who agrees to sponsor the Fire Ferrets in the competition. After some success on the task force, Korra publicly challenges Amon to a duel. Instead, she is ambushed and captured by Equalists, but Amon does not hurt her, because he fears making her a martyr. He will save Korra for last.
The Spirit of Competition– Mako starts dating Hiroshi’s daughter, Asami, much to the annoyance of Korra. Korra finally gets the courage to ask him out, but he refuses her, and she spends an evening with Bolin instead. Later, she kisses Mako, hurting Bolin’s feelings and the Fire Ferrets’ chances in the championship. By the end of the episode, the Fire Ferrets forgive each other and advance to the championship match against the three-time defending champions – the Wolfbats.
And the Winner is…– Amon threatens to attack the pro-bending arena if the Council does not cancel the championship, but Chief Lin Beifong promises to protect the stadium. Despite tensions resulting from their romantic past, Tenzin and Lin agree to cooperate in the mission. The Wolfbats defeat the Fire Ferrets and win the match by bribing the referees to ignore their foul play. After the match is over, the Equalists neutralize Chief Beifong’s metalbenders using electric gloves and Amon strips the Wolfbats of their bending abilities. Korra and Beifong escape and fight the Equalists, but they get away and the stadium is ruined.
The Aftermath– Tarrlok calls for Lin Beifong’s resignation as chief of police after Amon’s successful attack on the pro-bending arena; Mako and Bolin move into the Sato mansion. While visiting them, Korra overhears a conversation that leads her to believe that Hiroshi Sato is colluding with the Equalists. She informs Chief Beifong and Tenzin, who launch an investigation but find no evidence. Mako and Asami stand up for Sato’s innocence, leading to more tension between Korra and Mako. Beifong decides to resign her post and rescue her officers “outside of the law”. and Korra offers Mako, Bolin, and Asami sanctuary on Tenzin’s Air Temple Island.
When Extremes Meet– At his inauguration as Beifong’s replacement, Police Chief Saikhan vows to support Tarrlok’s task force, leading Tenzin and Korra to quarrel with Tarrlok. Asami, Mako, Bolin, and Korra form “Team Avatar,” patrolling the city and capturing escaping Equalists, to Tarrlok’s extreme disapproval. Korra and Tarrlok fight. Tarrlok defeats her by revealing blood-bending powers, even though there is no full moon.
Out of the Past– Tarrlok locks Korra in a platinum box up in the mountains, publicly claiming that Equalists abducted her. In response, Lin Beifong breaks Korra’s friends out of jail and, with Tenzin’s help, infiltrates the Equalist hideout. Upon his return to the cabin, Tarrlok confirms that he is Yakone’s son, attempting to rule Republic City from a political seat rather than through crime. His escape is thwarted by the Equalists, as his bloodbending proves ineffective against Amon. Tarrlok’s bending is taken by Amon, but Korra escapes. Naga finds her and brings her back to her friends.
Turning the Tides– After recovering from her abduction, Korra tells her story. Tenzin is attacked at City Hall and defends himself, but learns that the other council members have been captured by Equalists and the city is under attack. The city cannot be defended, so Korra goes into hiding and Tenzin flees with his family to preserve the last airbenders. Korra’s team enters the city sewers and General Iroh, commanding a fleet of United Forces warships, answers Republic City’s plea for help.
Skeletons in the Closet– Korra and her friends hide in hobo camp underground until Iroh’s fleet arrives, but the fleet is promptly disabled by Equalist mines, aircraft, and underwater missiles. Korra and Mako discover Tarrlok captive in Air Temple Island, and he reveals that Amon is his brother, Noatak, and a bloodbender – both sons to Yakone, who fled to the North Pole after his escape from Republic City. Yakone raised them with a single-minded desire for revenge. Meanwhile, the assault on the Equalists’ mountain airbase goes poorly when the group falls prey to an electric fence.
Endgame– Bolin, Asami, and Iroh are captured by Hiroshi Sato and the Equalists, but are rescued by Naga. Korra enters the Avatar State to restore Beifong’s bending abilities.
The Legend of Korra – Book One: Air is available now on DVD for $19.99 and Blu-Ray for $34.99. This two-disc DVD set has a running time of 289 minutes and includes the special features:
- The Legend of Puppetbender Present “The Making of a Legend: The Untold Story” (original short)
- Audio Commentaries from series creators, cast and crew for four episodes
Are you interested in checking out this highly acclaimed animated series? Great! Because Nickelodeon is offering one lucky reader a chance to win a copy of The Legend of Korra- Book One: Air on DVD! For your chance to win, just follow the Rafflecopter rules below.
fairly oddparents is still our favorite
Spongebob is my son’s fave
we are dora fans
vmkids3 at msn dot com
dora is great but to young for grandson but is my favorite
Son and I love spongebob
Well I don’t have a child, but I can answer my favorite show from when I was a kid, it’s the same now also! Spongebob :) Of course the original Avatar The Air Bender was amazing and I have yet to see any of the new show! I’m itching to see it haha.
My kids love the Penguins of Madagascar!
She’s a spongebob fan
Spongebob Squarepants!
We like Dora the Explorer.
it’s between korra and avatar. both are great!
I don’t have children yet but my favourite show when I was a kid was Spongebob for sure, I had tons of spongebob stuff all around my room. Although when it aired, Avatar was definitely me and my friends’ favourite thing to talk about.
it would have to be spongebob, and that theme song drives me crazy :)
They do not have a favorite show airing. They love the last airbender, we own it, and enjoy watching Korra online
Spongebob is our fav :)
My son really enjoys Spongebob and Fairly OddParents
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The kid’s I babysit for really like watching SpongeBob the most.
SpongeBob SquarePants!
he likes the spongebob
spongebob for sure
We like Dora.
The Penguins of Madagascar.
my kids like sponge bob and avatar…
Fairly Odd Parents
sponge bob is our favorite
The Penguins of Madagascar!! We love them all!! Thank you!
My daughter loves Korra and Avatar.She auto -tunes the shows daily lol.
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Spongebob is my son’s favorite :)
I’d say Spongebob!
Rocko’s modern life.