Summer is around the corner, and I will admit that my hair takes even more of a beating during those months. From the sun, to the chlorine from the pool, to my usual hair care routines, it is not a pretty sight. My hair dresser usually gives up and tells me she will see me in September.
But, I was recently given a bottle of Quinoaplex R3, Rapid Hair Renewal Formula, to try and I can tell you that it will be my saving grace this summer! This product is made Quinoa Protein and Aloe Vera, and I could see a difference in my hair after two uses.

Here are some facts about Quinoaplex R3: it is made of the new miracle grain “quinoa”, that transforms hair when hydrolyzed and molecules are then small enough to get through the cuticles of the hair to penetrate into the hair shaft. Quinoaplex by ONC is therefore beneficial because hair is made of 85% Protein which also is called Keratin. Washing hair, color/bleach and/or its exposure to sun, causes loss of protein, thinning of hair (men & women),hair loss and hair breakage.
Quinoaplex by ONC provides:
– lasting shine
– manageability without the need of any gels or hairspray.
– shorter time of hair drying
– decreases hair loss, thinning and breakage
– increases the lasting of hair color
– soothing irritated scalp
– it allows the hair to be colored and bleached with much less damage more often as the protein that the hair loses, is given back with the hydrolyzed quinoa protein.
Other great benefits of quinoa hair protein are:
It promotes growth
Helps the pigmentation of your hair color
Its minerals are natural hair strengtheners
Protect your hair from environmental damaging agents like air pollution.
The best part, is this product is super easy to use. I apply it after I shampoo to my wet hair and lather it in, then let is sit while I finish my shower and rinse it out, then condition. It has no odd odors and my hair is shinier and I am happier.
Quinoaplex R3 retails for $29.95 for a 1.7 oz bottle and can be purchased at
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